OpenSSA: Small Specialist Agents for Problem-Solving

OpenSSA is an agentic AI framework for solving complex problems in real-world industry domains, overcoming the limitations of LLMs and RAG in such settings.

Level-2 Intelligence with Planning, Reasoning, domain-specific Knowledge and diverse Informational Resources

OpenSSA agents, built with powerful Hierarchical Task Planning (HTP) and Observe-Orient-Decide-Act Reasoning (OODAR), go far beyond the Level-1 pattern-matching intelligence performed by LLMs and RAG and achieve superior outcomes in complex multi-faceted, multi-step tasks. See our comparative study.

OpenSSA agents can also be armed with domain-specific Knowledge, connected to diverse Informational Resources (files, databases, web sources, etc.), and/or be guided by specialized industry experts to maximize the accuracy and comprehensiveness in their planning, reasoning and deliberative/iterative problem-solving.

Open and Extensible Architecture

Committed to promoting and supporting open development in generative AI, OpenSSA would strive to integrate with a diverse array of LLM backends, especially open-source LLMs. If you would like certain LLMs to be supported, please suggest through a GitHub issue, or, even better, submit your PRs.

Additionally, OpenSSA’s key Planning, Reasoning, Knowledge and Resource interfaces are designed with customizability and extensibility as first-class concerns, in order to enable developers to effectively solve problems in their specific industries and specialized domains.

Small and Resource-Efficient Agents for Practical Real-World Deployment

Specialized, Level-2 intelligence allows OpenSSA agents to work well in many applications using significantly smaller component models, thereby greatly economizing computing resources.

Getting Started

Install by pip install openssa (on Python 3.12 only).

  • for bleeding-edge latest capabilities: pip install

Explore the examples/ directory and developer guides and tutorials on our documentation site.

API Documentation


We welcome contributions from the community!

  • Join the discussion on our Community Forum

  • Submit pull requests for bug fixes, enhancements, or new features

For more information, see our Contribution Guide.