class openssa.deprecated.ooda_rag.heuristic.Heuristic

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for defining heuristics.

abstract apply_heuristic(task: str) list | dict

Apply the heuristic to the given task and return a list of subtasks.

class openssa.deprecated.ooda_rag.heuristic.TaskDecompositionHeuristic(heuristic_rules: dict[str, list[str]])

Bases: Heuristic

Base class for task decomposition heuristics.

apply_heuristic(task: str) list

Apply the heuristic rules to decompose the task into subtasks.

class openssa.deprecated.ooda_rag.heuristic.DefaultOODAHeuristic

Bases: Heuristic

apply_heuristic(task: str) dict

Apply the heuristic to the given task and return a list of subtasks.

class openssa.deprecated.ooda_rag.heuristic.GPTOODAHeuristic(heuristics: dict)

Bases: Heuristic

apply_heuristic(task: str) list

Apply the heuristic rules to decompose the task into subtasks.

class openssa.deprecated.ooda_rag.heuristic.HeuristicSet(**kwargs)

Bases: object

A set of heuristics.